
March 3, 2010

Explanations of specific passages in the Bible: Revelation: 12th chapter of Ecclesiastes

As to thy question concerning the 12th chapter of Ecclesiastes: This is prophecy regarding the coming of Jesus in that book, the signs and marks of which were fulfilled with the appearance of the Promised One of the Bible ["Bible" signifies the Old Testament; "Gospel" signifies the New Testament.]; but since the Jews did not understand the meaning thereof, so they denied Jesus and -- God forbid! -- said that He was the deformed (Antichrist). Then it is said by Jesus in the Gospel, that similar signs would appear in the "last day" -- or in other words -- in the day when Christ will come the second time in this world.

The interpretation of these statements is mentioned in the clearest manner and with the most wonderful proofs in the Book of Iqan. 
- ‘Abdu'l-Baha  (Tablets of Abdu'l-Baha vol. 1)

March 2, 2010

Explanation of Specific Passages in the Bible: Revelation: Chapter 21 verses 21 & 17

Thou hast asked in regard to the 10th verse of the 21st chapter of Revelation and to the 17th verse: Know that the firmament of the bright sun of the world of possibilities is divided into twelve sections, according to mathematical principles, which are called the twelve constellations; likewise, the Sun of Truth manifests and pours forth His bounty in twelve constellations of holiness. By these constellations are meant holy souls who are the manifestations of purity and the dawning-points of the lights of Unity. Observe that in the day of His Holiness the Speaker of God (Moses), there were twelve holy souls who were the leaders of the Truth. In like manner, in the cycle of His Holiness the Spirit (Jesus Christ), note that there were twelve apostles under the shadow of the light of the Most High, and the Sun of Truth was manifested through those bright dawning-places like unto the phenomenal sun. Likewise, in the time of His Holiness Mohammed, consider that there were twelve dawning points of holiness who were the manifestations of confirmation. Such is the case.